FAQ for Applicants

College Horizons Student FAQs

Where do I get an application?

Visit www.collegehorizons.org/apply on our website. You will be able to access all application links and read our eligibility requirements.

I am having trouble accessing the application.

The application must be accessed using either a computer with an internet connection or a mobile device. If you are having trouble viewing the form on a computer, try accessing it using a different browser.


I'm having trouble submitting my application. What if my Verified e-signature isn't working?

If you have trouble verifying your required e-signature or submitting your application, please see our CH E-Signature Instructions.

Do I need to be an enrolled Tribal member? What do Hawaiians provide?

To be eligible, each student must be an enrolled (citizen) member of an American Indian tribe, Alaska Native group, or Native Hawaiian AND provide appropriate documentation supporting tribal enrollment.

Provide documentation such as one of the following:

  • An enrollment or membership document from a federally or state recognized tribe or the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA); or a Certification of Degree of Indian Blood (CDIB) issued by the BIA or a tribe, if the CDIB includes tribal enrollment information. A tribal membership document must be on tribal letterhead or be an enrollment/membership card that contains the tribal seal and/or an official signature.
  • A document issued by an Alaska Native village/tribe or an Alaska Native Corporation Settlement Act (ANCSA) regional or village corporation acknowledging membership or shareholder status; or a CDIB issued by the BIA or tribe, if the CDIB includes ANCSA shareholder status or information regarding membership in an Alaska Native village. An Alaska Native village/tribe or ANCSA document must be on official letterhead or be an enrollment/membership card that contains the tribal or ANCSA seal and/or an official signature.
  • A document issued by the Hawaiian Registry Program, a branch of the Office of Hawaiian Affairs (OHA), or a Hawaiian Registry Card issued in accordance with OHA’s verification procedures.

CH will NOT accept a birth certificate for a student, parent, or grandparent as proof of tribal enrollment.

I am Indigenous from Central/South America or First Nations from Canada, but I live in the U.S. and/or I am a U.S. citizen. Am I eligible?

Indigenous Peoples from Central/South America and First Nations, Métis and Aboriginal from Canada are not eligible to apply at this time.

For more information on Enrollment, Tracing Indian Ancestry, and CDIB Applications, visit the U.S. Department of Interior Affairs at: https://www.bia.gov/regional-offices/great-plains/tribal-government-enrollment-claims

For more information on Native Hawaiian ancestry verification, visit the Office of Hawaiian Affairs at:

For students attending a Kamehameha high school, visit the Ho’oulu Verification Services at:

I am a Senior in high school or I already graduated from high school but am not in college, can I still apply?

Sorry, you are not eligible to apply. Current 10th and 11th graders may apply. See our Resources page for a list of resources we recommend.

My GPA is below a 3.00, can I still apply?

Yes, as long as your grades are showing an upward trend by the time you submit your application. Likely, you will be waitlisted until we receive updated grades.

Can I save my progress on the application and resume later?

Yes. Follow these instructions:

  1. Click on “Save my progress and resume later” at the top of the screen
  2. Enter email address and password and click “Save”

I saved my application. How I do resume?

1. Click on the link previously emailed to you OR

2. Click on “Resume a previously saved form” at the top of the page.

3. Enter your email and password then click “Resume this form”.

I saved my application, but I forgot my password.

1. Click on “Forgot your password”

2. Reset Password

3. A password reset link will be emailed

4. Check email inbox

5. Click on “Click here to update password”

6. Reset Password with new password

What is the cost to attend a College Horizons program?

There are no fees, application/program/tuition costs to attend College Horizons. However, a student/family will need to cover the airfare/travel costs to the program sites. College Horizons does provide financial assistance for eligible students.

What do I do if my school device (laptop/tablet) has a firewall?

If you are using a school device, some schools place firewalls on websites that will not allow you to access external websites. Either ask your school’s IT to give you access to the College Horizons website or try another device to access the Apply page.

Do I need to submit original copies of my official documents?

No.  We do not need original copies.  Please provide photocopies of your parent’s tax info and tribal enrollment verification only.  This does not include your high school transcript which needs to be an official copy.

Is College Horizons a college I can apply to?

No. College Horizons is not a college or university. We are a college-access organization that provides pre-college and pre-graduate workshops on the admission process, financial aid process, and provide strategies on how to be a strong candidate for competitive admissions, as well as how to be a successful as a Native student in college.

Does College Horizons provide scholarships to attend college?

College Horizons is not a scholarship organization. We only provide financial aid to eligible participants of the summer program to assist with airfare costs to attend our program.

Visit our Resources page for a recommended list of scholarships.

If I attend College Horizons, will I be guaranteed admission to one of the CH partner institutions?

No. College Horizons does not guarantee admission to any of our partner colleges or to any colleges that may participate in our programming and/or college fair. You are admitted to partner schools like any other school, based on your own merit and accomplishments, independent of our program.

Can I provide updates or corrections to my application after I submitted it?

Any additions or corrections to the College Horizons application must be submitted to apply@collegehorizons.org

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CH 2025

CH2025 dates confirmed! Student Application will open Nov. 1.

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For all other questions, please email info@collegehorizons.org.