Our Programs

College Horizons (CH) is our annual pre-college summer program for Native American, Alaska Native and Native Hawaiian high school sophomores and juniors. Students work with college admissions officers, college counselors, essay specialists, and other educators in a six-day college admissions “crash course” focused on understanding the college admissions application process. Our rigorous workshops inspire students to find a college that will satisfy their needs for a fun, challenging and supportive environment. We strive to equip our students with the tools to make their college dreams and goals a reality.
The Scholars Pathway Program (SPP) is an all-expenses paid summer program designed to empower Native American, Alaska Native and Native Hawaiian College Horizons alumni in their transition from high school to college. In the SPP, the students will complete a 4-year pathway program that includes four, in-person activities: a 1-week Transition-to-College bridge program for rising first-year students, a 1-week Introduction to Indigenous Research Methodologies for rising sophomores, a 3-day Pre-Graduate & Research Institute for rising juniors, and a 3-day Graduate Horizons for rising seniors.