Become a Partner
Interested in Partnering with College Horizons?
Please fill out the Partnership Inquiry form if you represent an institution that is interested in partnering with College Horizons. A representative of College Horizons will be in touch. Thank you in advance for your interest in our work!
Please note, this form does not serve as a request for volunteers – visit the ‘About’ page to learn more about volunteering.
Become a Partner College
College Horizons invites colleges and universities to participate in our college admissions and graduate admissions workshops. Offices of admission, financial aid, student services, career services, Native American programs/study, and fellowship programs are welcome.
Our Role in Admissions Outreach
College Horizons is designed to align with the multicultural-diversity outreach initiatives of college/university Offices of Admissions. We understand that Indian Country is vast – comprised of 310 geographical reservations and 40 Indian Statistical Areas (29 located in Oklahoma), 200 Alaska Native villages, 566 federally-recognized and over 200 state-recognized tribal nations, and islands of Native Hawaiian homelands. We also know that Native American, Alaska Native and Native Hawaiian students continue to be the most underrepresented minority population on college campuses.
College Partnership Opportunities
- Partners receive student participation information (including their high school CEEB codes) for continued outreach
- Network with 30 high school counselors and American Indian tribal educators (for CH program only)
- Promotion of partner college for one year via CH recruitment activities, advertisements, conferences, email/list-serve, website (featuring college profile)
- College fair & college informational sessions
- 5-6 days of meals/lodging/ground transportation (for CH only)
Partner College Registration Fee & Contract
If your institution is interested in participating in College Horizons (to recruit high school students for college) or Graduate Horizons (to recruit college students/graduates to graduate school), please fill out the Partnership Inquiry form to request more information on the benefits/outcomes, services, contracts, curriculum, and fees.
Once you complete the form, you will be contacted by a College Horizons staff person in 1-3 business days.
Non-Partner College Opportunities
High School College Fair
Colleges not participating in the CH Summer Workshops are still welcome to attend the College Horizons College Fairs at the host location. Please check the “Apply” page for updated information on future host sites.
College representatives will have the opportunity to meet with the 100 college-bound Native high school students of the CH program (students are selected by competitive admission, have a minimum 3.00 GPA in core academic subjects, and submit a counselor and teacher recommendation). Space is limited.
Contact us at to request information.
Graduate University Fair
Graduate institutions not participating in the GH Summer Workshop are still welcome to attend the Graduate Horizons University Fairs at the host location. Schools will have the opportunity to meet with approximately 75-100 college students and college graduates attending the GH program. Space is limited.
Contact us at to request information.