
For Educators
Welcome and thank you for your interest in our program! We are always looking for excited educators and/or education administrators to help spread the word of our programs to students who are eligible and may be interested in applying.
Need Materials?
We are always excited to meet educators committed to bringing opportunities to the Native students they serve. If you are interested in obtaining additional information, flyers of the program or a poster to hang in your school’s counseling office or classroom, please feel free to contact us at and we will be happy to send you some materials to distribute to your students.
Join our List Serve
Educators, please use the form on our “Contact” page to join our list serve!

Volunteer Expert Educators
College Horizons seeks volunteer “Counselors & Educators” to serve as faculty in our summer programs. Currently, these expert educators are by invitation only or must be referred through the College Horizons network of students, alumni, parents, college partners, and previous volunteer counselors.
- American Indian, Alaska Native, Native Hawaiian Educators working with high achieving Native youth in college-bound programs or Non-Native Educators serving a predominate amount of Native students as counselors/teachers.
- Volunteers include: Guidance Counselors, Tribal Education Departments & Scholarship Offices, Title VII/ JOM Specialist, NPO’s serving Native youth, Talent Search, TRIO, Gifted/Talented, etc.
- Professional High School College Counselors
- High School Teachers with a primary role in College Advising
- Writers with direct experience in assisting students with College Essays.
Volunteers donate their time (7 days) and their travel (round-trip airfare) to the program; meals and housing in the dormitory are provided. As a volunteer, counselors will experience the CH curriculum, learn about the educational opportunities the host college offers, network with 40 college admissions officers, discuss college counseling techniques with other counselors, and be transformed by the College Pride, Native Pride experience!